- Typically the use of FTP is to manage your web files through a third party FTP program such as FileZilla. The benefit of using FTP is that a user can bulk upload web files directly to the server. Depending on your program, various settings must be configured to ensure connectivity is made between your local machine and the host. The following guide will use FileZilla as the preferred FTP program and will outline what settings are needed for a successful connection.
Required FTP settings
Although FTP software differ with functionality, the settings configured are in fact common across all programs. Below are typical settings needed for a successful connection with your host.
Host: yourdomainname.com or IP address (
Username: your Control Panel username
Password: your Control Panel password
Port: 21 – by default the FTP client will use this port numberTypes of FTP programs
Please note that you can use any third party FTP program to connect with Melbourne IT hosting. However we do recommend the use of FileZilla as it is simple to use.
Not all FTP programs are FREE to download. Take note that some have a free trial and will require a subscription at the end of your trial.