Check whether the Domain Name you want is AVAILABLE and Order it!
You can Renew an existing Domain Name
Transfer a Domain Name to us!
Check Domain Name Availability :
You will be required to enter additional information. So please make sure you have it ready. Some example of how to register a Domain Name are in the LINK below.
Your Full Name
Your Address ( No P.O. Boxes) ASIC does not allow P.O.Box registration.
Company or Business Name
Business Number (BN) or Australian Company Number (ACN)
an example of how to enter required information when ordering a Domain Name can be found here:
Domain password/EPP code/auth code
When transferring a domain name between registrars or updating the owner of the domain, you may need to provide the
“Domain Authorisation Code” to our support team in order to verify yourself as someone eligible to make a change of that nature.
The Authorisation Code may be referred to as an EPP code, an Auth code, or a domain password. Depending the registry the
domain is registered in and the TLD of the domain, there may be steps that differ between how you obtain your EPP code.